Your concept ideas

Drawing on our experience and commitment,
we bring your ideas to fruition

More than 50 years’ experience in the trade-fair business

MUVEO GmbH is not only a great partner for event organisers at the Messecenter Rhein-Main, but has been staging its own trade fairs for more than 50 years. Our multi-faceted portfolio includes formats that have been established events in their respective market segments for several decades. The formats have all been developed by MUVEO GmbH or initiated in cooperation with industry advisory boards.

As a subsidiary wholly owned by the CDH (Federation of German Commercial Agents and Distributors), we understand the requirements and sensitivities of associations and can respond quickly, efficiently and professionally to your needs.

Committed to your success

Have an idea or even an oven-ready concept for an event you’d like to stage? Or is it time you were offering a business sector its very own platform?

Then, why not talk to us? You may have a concept for committees, advisory boards, industry associations or groups and we can help you develop and stage your own format. You decide the role we play – be it as a landlord, partner, or service provider. Together, we can bring your goals and visions into focus and your formats to fruition.

Simply get in touch. We’re here to help.

Your contact for great ideas

Know the feeling? You have an idea but you’re not quite sure how to make it happen? Perhaps you are an industry partner interested in initiating a sector-specific trade fair? Or maybe you are an association, NGO or federation with a strong network but in need of a partner to help you stage a congress or trade fair? If so, we should definitely have a chat. We look forward to hearing from you!

Bespoke services

We provide the right services in the right places – specifically tailored to your needs. MUVEO GmbH’s comprehensive portfolio allows us to cover all event-related services. You decide which services you require – if you have experience in the event industry, you may just need a little support here and there. If, on the other hand, you are an industry association, you may be looking for a cooperation partner or a full package.

Innovative approaches and scope for ideas

There’s nothing better than an idea whose time has come! During our introductory meeting, we will identify your requirements and the status quo and discuss a range of strategies to suit your business model.

Passion, an open-minded approach and flexibility are values that we live and work by. Moreover, MUVEO is synonymous with more than 50 years’ experience in the trade-fair business. We develop our own formats, stage our own fairs and have at our disposal a network of solid contacts – the ideal prerequisites for constructive brain-storming and thinking outside the box.

How can we bring your idea to life?

Have an idea but looking for a suitable venue and a partner to help you organise it?
We look forward to hearing from you!

Phone +49 69 630092-22

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